Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Qu son las visas no inmigrantes y su problemtica

Qu son las visas no inmigrantes y su problemtica Las visas no inmigrante permiten a una persona extranjera visitar, estudiar, invertir o trabajar por un tiempo determinado en Estados Unidos. La regla general es que los extranjeros que quieran entrar temporalmente en EEUU necesitan un visado, si bien existen excepciones. Las visas no inmigrantes se distinguen de las visas de inmigrante, que se convierte en tarjetas de residencia en el momento en que la persona que viaja con una de ellas sellada en su pasaporte ingresa legalmente a los Estados Unidos. Quià ©nes no necesitan visa para visitar temporalmente los Estados Unidos Para estancias como turistas inferiores a los 90 dà ­as los ciudadanos de cualquiera de los paà ­ses amparados bajo el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas pueden entrar a EEUU sin visado. En la actualidad de entre todos los paà ­ses de habla hispana sà ³lo Espaà ±a est incluido en ese grupo de naciones. Estas personas necesitan rellenar electrà ³nicamente una ESTA antes de iniciar su viaje. Si es rechazada su solicitud, debern a la oficina consular correspondiente y solicitar una visa. Adems si la estancia es por razà ³n de trabajo o de estudios sà ­ debern contar con el visado correspondiente, aunque vayan a permanecer en EEUU por menos de tres meses. Tampoco necesitan visado los ciudadanos canadienses, salvo excepciones muy limitadas, como haber violado previamente su estatus migratorio, ser el cà ³nyuge de un residente legal permanente o de un ciudadano americano que quieren adquirir la green card. Y lo mismo aplica para los ciudadanos del territorio britnico de Bermudas, siempre y cuando su estancia sea inferior a 180 dà ­as. Por à ºltimo, los ciudadanos mexicanos y residentes legales permanentes en el paà ­s azteca que viven junto a la frontera estadounidense pueden cruzar a Estados Unidos utilizando la Tarjeta de Cruce de Frontera, conocida como visa lser, que debe ser expedida por una oficina consular en Mà ©xico. Todas las personas no incluidas en los grupos anteriores necesitan una visa para visitar, estudiar, hacer negocios, recibir tratamiento mà ©dico o trabajar temporalmente en EEUU. Ejemplos de visas no inmigrantes Mà ºltiples tipos de visas estn incluidas en esta categorà ­a, destacando: B1/B2, de turista, placer o negocios.C1 para trnsitoC1/D para trabajar en crucerosF1/M1 de estudiante o vocacional.G4 de empleados de organizaciones internacionales con sede en Estados Unidos como el FMI, la ONU o la OEA.J-1 para profesionales en situacià ³n de intercambio, acadà ©micos, nià ±eras, etc.O para personas con habilidades especiales en las Artes, el Deporte, la Educacià ³n, las Ciencias o Negocios. Algunas de estas visas de no inmigrante son consideradas como de â€Å"intencià ³n doble† o double intent en inglà ©s. Esto es, permiten que el extranjero entre temporalmente en EEUU pero es perfectamente là ­cito que busquen al mismo tiempo convertirse en residentes permanentes legales. Entre esas visas se encuentra, por ejemplo,  la H-1B y las L. Hay que tener muy claro que en en el caso de visas no inmigrantes el oficial  de inmigracià ³n en el puerto de entrada puede denegar la entrada al titular de una visa visa no inmigrante vlida si sospecha que la persona extranjera busca en realidad quedarse permanentemente en EEUU. Una vez en EEUU,  ¿se puede extender el plazo de estas visas? Sà ­, mediante el formulario I-539. Cada visa tiene sus propios requerimientos para solicitar la extensià ³n. Una delas ms sencillas de solicitar es la del visado de turista B1/B2. Cà ³mo se solicita una visa no inmigrante Depende del tipo de visado e incluso en algunos casos de la oficina consular que deba tramitar la peticià ³n. Sin embargo, para todas ellas quedarse ms tiempo del permitido  tiene consecuencias muy serias.    ¿Debo estar presente para solicitar la visa? Salvo excepciones muy concretas, como por ejemplo aplicar por una G-4 para trabajar en organizaciones internacionales, todos los solicitantes con edades comprendidas entre los 14 y los 79 aà ±os debern acudir en persona al consulado el dà ­a que se les cite para una entrevista. Los menores o mayores de esa edad podrn, por regla general, utilizar los servicios de un servicio de mensajerà ­a aprobado por la Embajada para realizar todas sus gestiones.  ¿Quà © pasa si la solicitud de visa es denegada? Aproximadamente, el 22 por ciento de las solicitudes de visas son rechazadas. Las causas pueden ser calificadas en dos grandes categorà ­as: inadmisiblidad e inelegibilidad. Estas son 20 causas por las que las visas no inmigrante pueden ser no aprobadas  por ser inelegible  . Adems, hay  22 razones que convierten a un extranjero en inadmisible para ingresar a los Estados Unidos. Frente a las causas de inelegibilidad no hay nada que hacer salvo que la causa que provoca el problema desaparezca. Por el contrario, en algunos casos ser posible pedir un perdà ³n, tambià ©n conocido como waiver o permiso, para subsanar el problema causado por algunas causas de inadmisibilidad. Finalmente, se recomienda tomar este test sobre visas  para garantizar los conocimientos mà ­nimos para sacar la visa y conservarla sin problemas de cancelacià ³n.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free Essays on An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge

along with the hyphen present a clear and discrete image. They describe the beginning of a dream, where everything seems out of place at first, but become very real and clear to the dreamer. Often times in a dream, a person believes themselves to be able to achieve a task they wouldn’t be able to do in their everyday life. â€Å"What splendid effort!-what magnificent, what superhuman strength! Ah, that was a fine endeavor! Bravo!† (1482) Peyton is now under water after falling from the bridge, and struggling to get the ropes off his wrist. He sud... Free Essays on An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge Free Essays on An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge The story, â€Å"An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge† by Ambrose Bierce, a man by the name of Peyton Farquhar is hanged for opposing the Northern troops. The story is broken into three chapters or sub-stories. The first chapter sets up the scene of the hanging and its location. The second brings to light Peyton’s personal life and his character. The third and final chapter tells of his escape from the soldiers, which is actually a dream sequence. Bierce gives minute and delicate clues to let the reader understand Peyton is actually dreaming and not escaping. The very first lines of chapter three give numerous clues as to what has actually happen to Peyton. â€Å"As Peyton Farquhar fell straight downward through the bridge he lost consciousness and was as one already dead. From this state he was awakened-ages later, it seemed to him-by the pain of the sharp pressure upon his throat, followed by a sense of suffocation.† (1481) Bierce basically uses the first line to explain that Peyton was now dead, and the reader would believe it. He then purposely throws in a twist with the second line, saying Peyton was now awakened and feeling the pain of the rope suffocating him. From a reader’s perspective, Peyton is actually alive, fighting for his life, but there are two keys words that Bierce uses to hint to the reader that this is actually a dream, â€Å"ages later.† These two words along with the hyphen present a clear and discrete image. They describe the beginning of a dream, where everything seems out of place at first, but become very real and clear to the dreamer. Often times in a dream, a person believes themselves to be able to achieve a task they wouldn’t be able to do in their everyday life. â€Å"What splendid effort!-what magnificent, what superhuman strength! Ah, that was a fine endeavor! Bravo!† (1482) Peyton is now under water after falling from the bridge, and struggling to get the ropes off his wrist. He sud... Free Essays on An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge In "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge†, Ambrose Bierce tells not only of humanity’s will to survive, but also of the willingness to become greater than, and more powerful than that which is natural. The story is about the hanging of a civilian, Peyton Farquhar, because of his attempt to help the Confederate forces. Before Farquhar was hanged, however, his mind takes him through a heroic escape. Bierce does an excellent job of describing the escape in a dream-like fashion. He shows the mind’s ability to escape reality, and to escape the inevitable. The first sighting of Farquhar’s supernatural capabilities came after he closed his eyes to think about his family. ''A short distinct, metabolic percussion like the stroke of a blacksmith’s hammer upon the anvil; They hurt his ears like the thrust of a knife†¦ What he heard was the ticking of his watch.'" (Bierce 571). The mind will enhance the senses before death. It will allow aspects of nature to be highlighted and to appear most significant. As in this case, Farquhar was able to hear a pocket watch tick in his pocket. The sound, he thought, was extremely bothersome and was almost overbearing. Like anyone would do, Farquhar planed his escape at the end of the first section. He thought about freeing his hands, throwing off the noose, and eluding the bullets in order to get home. We can see from Payton Farquhar’s dream that our visions can seem real and life-like when in desperate situations. His journey begins with the â€Å"survival† of the fall from the bridge. '"†¦he swings through unthinkable arcs of oscillation, like vast pendulum, then all at once, with terrible suddenness†¦ The rope had broken and he had fallen into the stream.'" (571). Farquhar started his escape; he freed his hands in the water and took the noose off from around his neck. Bierce alludes to the dream-like nature of the hero when Farquhar congratulate... Free Essays on An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge Ambrose Bierce is the author of â€Å"An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge.† It is a very powerful and suspense filled story. It tells all the fears of a young father coming to light as his life swings in and out of reality. This story is written in third person omniscient. This point of view certainly heightens the mood of the plot, by conveying Payton Farquhar’s feelings and emotions to the reader. The plot deals with the theme of death and the waiting of it to come. The story begins with Payton standing on a bridge with a noose around his neck about to be hung. Payton is about to be murdered for a war crime unjustly. The unique writing style of Ambrose Bierce is what brings to life the true feelings of a condemned man. Ambrose Bierce writes this story during the turn of the nineteenth to twentieth century. During this time period the two writing styles of romanticism, and realism were coming together. This melding of styles was a result of the romantic period of writing and art coming to an end, just as realism was beginning to gain popularity. â€Å"An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge† is a perfect example of this transition of styles as it combines elements of both romanticism and realism to create a story that can be far-fetched while still believable at times. The author has plotted the story in a very gratifying manner. The setting plays a big part because it is dived into three different sections. Sections I, actually tells the reader about when Payton was about to be hanged, and leads us from the beginning of the ceremony to the end where he is actually hung. It then goes on to Section II, where it tells us how he found out about Owl Creek Bridge, and what could happen if a civilian interfered with anything dealing with the bridge. Last of all Section III, tells the reader about Peyton’s hallucination of escaping the hanging. When reading the story for the second time, it appears to be more interesting becaus...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Post Revolutionary War Rebellions in America Research Paper

Post Revolutionary War Rebellions in America - Research Paper Example This Rebellion is named after Daniel Shay, a veteran of the revolutionary war who returned from the war to find that like most of the other farmers; he had also incurred a huge amount of debt in a short time. The farmers petitioned against the courts but the courts comprising of mostly wealthy merchants were unconcerned with the plight of the poor farmers. This unconcerned attitude of the wealthy merchants forced the farmers to rebel against the system and thus the rebellion took shape under the guidance of Daniel Shay and other leader such as Henry Gale, Luke Days, and Samuel Ely etc. While the rebellion ended with the execution of most of the rebels, the rebellion still made its mark on history. The government realized the impact of the need for a central government. Also this rebellion opened the eyes of many of the plight of the poor and their inability to demand any power in the system. In this paper, we will discuss how the disparity between the rich and the poor led to Shay’s rebellion and how Shay’s rebellion was similar to other rebellion because of the clash between the rich and the poor. We attempt to understand the rebellion by exploring disparity between the rich and the poor as a catalyst and cause of the rebellions. ... had taken loans from the merchants whom they were unable to pay because the low prices of the crops and the economic condition of the country after the Revolutionary War. In order to fund the Revolutionary War, the government had taken debts from war investors residing in different country. Due to the depression that usually follows a war; the government was unable to repay the loan on a timely matter. American owed 5 million to Britain and who demanded hard currency in the form of gold and silver. To relieve these loans, the government increased the taxes of the public. Since the Congress at that time had no power over the taxes, they pressurized the states to increase the taxes. While the taxes increased for everyone, the farmers felt the biggest burden since their taxes were the highest and they already belonged to the poor class. This unfair debt collection forced the farmers to rebel against the system as their earning only fulfilled the needs of their families and they did not have anything left to pay taxes with. Inflation was also on the rise after the revolutionary war since each state had started the practice of creating their paper currency. ‘During the war with Great Britain, Congress and the 13 states (formerly colonies) flooded paper currency into the economy, in an effort to meet the need for suppliers for the army and the militia’ (Danver, 208). This rendered the paper currency as worthless and led to an increase in inflation which may have benefited the rich merchants but was felt hard by the poor farmers. The farmers in order to pay their loans took debts from the local merchants. Since the farmers earned only enough to support their families, the debt continued to increase while the taxes were also increasing at a steady rate. Most of the